Thursday, August 27, 2009

Brock's Baptism

Brock was baptised on August 23rd. We had a wonderful service at St. Stephen's Catholic Church and Brock really enjoyed his special day!!

Brock's 6 Month Pictures!!!

Look who's 6 months old!!! We hit the half way mark and I am feeling a little sad, but very happy that he has been healthy and growing like a weed! He can sit on his own now unassisted. He still has little wipe outs here and there, but he never cries... just sits there and waits for mommy to come and rescue him :) He is getting a lot more vocal too! He has been expressing himself by babbling or crying to make sure I get the picture that he needs something or if he is enjoying what he is doing. He does not like when I leave the room, so he is mostly planted on my hip and goes around with me to do the daily chores. He likes to help me fold laundry the most ;) He has not gotten his first tooth yet, but he is eating really well and I have been thickening his food more and more! Wonderful sleeper... need I say more...

I took his 6 Month pictures and I think they turned out great!

Enjoy :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Biggest Giggle Fit... EVER!!!

Here is a video clip of Brock laughing hysterically at Landon the other night! Brock laughs more than any other baby that I have ever seen :)