Time is just flying right now and our little man is now 1 month old!! He is giving us little smiles here and there and his personality is really starting to come out. So far, he is very calm and loves to cuddle with you... all the time. He prefers for me to hold him 24/7 and I am having a hard time saying "no!" We knocked out the midnight feeding now and so he has his last feeding around 9:30-10:00 PM and he wakes up around 3:30-4:00 AM for his next one. I can not wait for him to sleep through the whole night, but I know we have another month or so before I am blessed with a full night sleep. Landon continues to be a wonderful brother. He helps me out during the day by getting diapers, wipes, pacifiers, blankets and spit rags! He loves Brock and lays with him on the floor during tummy time. I am excited to see what the next month will bring!

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