The exciting news is, he got his first tooth FINALLY this week :-) I was so happy because I was starting to think he was going to have a gummy smile for his senior pictures!! Like everyother month since he was born, he is a great eater... he wants to eat everything in site. He is on 100% table foods now and I am very proud how he has done being he just got a front tooth. He still has 3- 7oz bottles a day and takes about 2 naps a day... a small on in the AM and a long one in the afternoon.
He is the happiest baby ever and smiles all day long. Brock is starting to test me though, he will do something he is not suppose to do and then look at me and smile and he will keep doing it... then when I start walking towards him he squeals and starts crawling away... stinker!!
Love you Brockie :-)

happy 9th month birthday!!